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ART-DECOR® Newsletter, 3 November 2022

Good morning ART-DECOR users and interested parties,

as part of the overall migrations to new Releases, ART-DECOR has re-organized its Repositories. For most of user users this means: nothing changes. But if you use the tools on local machines or servers hosted by you and want to be up-to-date at any time, please have a look at our info chapter below.

Furthermore we are happy to announce Release 3.6 to be published this November!

Enjoy reading about our progress, stay tuned and enjoy.

ART-DECOR Open Tools and the ART-DECOR Expert Group

ART-DECOR® – Repositories revisited

Normally, our users simply use ART-DECOR or one of our servers,, or – for the starters and learners – on We simple take care of properly installed software on our servers.

Important for our customers who host ART-DECOR on their own servers or local machines is, that we now re-locate and re-organize our repositories that are used by them. – the place to be!

We still have stable master software availble for those you want stability and thoroughly tested and accepted software packages and a development path for those you want to profit from the most recent nightly builds of the tool. All of the three repositories have been re-organzied and re-located to The formerly announced repositories at are no longer available there.

To use the stable ART-DECOR Release 3 backend use:

To use the development ART-DECOR Release 3 backend use:

For those who only want to use the backend repositories for Release 2, use:

Unless you are interested in getting and using the most recent develeopment code we recommend to use the stable (master) branch.

We documented all of that on our documentation site in chapter Setup and Maintenance Support, esspecially in the repository change chapter for the backend.

ART-DECOR® Release 3.6 ante portas

We made great progress in moving forward to the next release. 3.6 is planned to be published in November this year and features more with Value Set Expansion Sets, Implementation Guides and Prefetching mechanisms for even more performance.

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Come with us

If you want to be part of the testing and using visitors of recent Releases of ART-DECOR, please let us know. You may stray around on without a password to just see what the new interface looks like. If you want to test the features also with editing rights, please let us know (e-mail us) and we assign a username and password to you and point you to practical projects. 
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ART-DECOR Open Tools GmbH, Berlin, Germany