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ART-DECOR® Newsletter, 14 August 2021

ART-DECOR® Release 3.1 up for testing

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Discover the Journey Towards Healthcare Interoperability

ART-DECOR® is an open source tool suite that aims at interoperability solutions in the healthcare sector.
This year October 1st, it’s ART-DECOR’s 12th birthday. Reason enough to take a short look back in history and to look forward on what we call ART-DECOR Release 3. And the future starts now.
After the very first Release 3.0 in July that has been started as a Canary' Release, now Release 3.1 is out.

Overview of Releases 3

There are several Releases 3 published/planned for 2021
  • 3.0 July 21st, as a Canary Release*
  • 3.1 at the beginning of August as a Canary Release*
  • 3.2 end of August
  • 3.3 September
  • 3.4 October/November
  • 3.5 December
*Canary Release :: is a release for Early Birds who volunteer to test it and runs on (international) and (Netherlands focus)

To summarize the topics of the ART-DECOR Release 3:
  • New UI / UX
  • Microservices
  • Better Scalability, higher Reliability
  • Extended Documentation Platforms
  • Centralized ART-DECOR® Terminology Services (CADTS)
  • More FHIR Support (Repository, Profiling)
Release 3.1 for Canaries and Early Birds

If you want to be part of the first wave visitors of Releases of ART-DECOR, please let us know. You may stray around on without a password to just see what the new interface looks like. If you want to test the first feature, please let us know (e-mail us) and we assign a username and password to you and point to practical projects. 
In this Release 3.1, the Project Panel (part 2), Datasets (part 2), Scenario’s (part 1), Terminology, Identifiers, OIDs and first Concept Maps are available to investigate. In addition, there are intense preparations underway to allow a transition and migration phase later in August, first for the Dutch community, later in September for everybody, to have both, Release 2 (Orbeon-based) and the new Release 3 software, in use for production. It is the plan to completely migrate all functionalities in Release 2 to Release 3, if approriate, and to close the use ofthe old  Release 2 software soon.
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Please find a short journey through the landing page and subsequent Panels in the new Release. Release 3 first covers to see a Landing page where you can choose a project to inspect or work with.
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Choose a project and start your endeavors. Please provide feedback if you like through the provided link.
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Once a project is chosen, see the Project Overview and continue from there.
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You can go tho the main subject of this release: datasets with the navigation tree on the left and details shown on the right. Just try the new look-and-feel with our example datasets or a selection of "real" datasets coming from different projects.
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The Scenario Panel offers the scenarios in the usual hierarchical way, the Transaction Groups (next figure), if possible with Actor interaction diagrams and the first version of the Transaction Leaf Panel (figure after next figure) with the details.
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Join the Journey

A recent survey among users and interested parties of the ART-DECOR tool suite unveiled that they want to use the platform more than in the past. They are curious about the new user experience and look forward to seeing new features.

The team will do its best to deploy good and efficient software. Please feel free to join the new paths of our journey towards more interoperability in healthcare.

There will be follow-up information on the next releases soon.

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ART-DECOR Open Tools GmbH, Berlin, Germany